The project aims to address the challenge toward the improvement of quality assurance mechanism in Vocational Education and Training, most particularly in the field of entrepreneurship education in continuing VET. In order to achieve that the project foresees the application of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework in this particular sector, it adopts the particular needs of entrepreneurship education, not only at the level of the formal/informal/non formal training, but also for the on the job training path.
The primary objective of IN-QUAL is to present to entrepreneurship education VET providers interested in quality issues a range of instruments, methods and tools they can work with to develop by themselves a quality culture within their organisations.
Ultimately the project wants to bring VET providers to reflect on their quality assurance approaches in comparison to the EQAVET indicative descriptors, and to find out strengths and areas for further development.
- Instituto Pedro Nunes Associacao para a Inovacao e Desenvolimento em Ciencia e Tecnología Eurocrea Merchant SRL inance & Banking
- Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane Intek Symvouloi Epicheiriseon Efarmoges Ypsilis Technologias Ekpaidefsi Anonymi Etaireia Stiching Business Development Friesland Lifelong Learning Platform Civic Computing Limited