Women Power Code

   Start:  01.09.2017

   Einde:  31.08.2020

Most adult women, that is, over 40 years of age, do not have the knowledge or skills to use the internet.

The project has two fundamental objectives, the first one is to help adult women to acquire knowledge and skills with respect to the digital age since they need to be updated as time goes by and start using them. The second is challenging the generation of girls who have digital skills but are not interested in this area.

The impact of the project is to support these people so that they can overcome their problems and find a simple way to acquire new skills.


  • Stichting Business Development Friesland Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est Digital Leadership Institute Civic Computing Limited Eurocrea Merchant SRL Daniel SG LTD Amnin D.O.O Centr za Znanstveno Vizualizacijo